New Years Resolutions 2016


Hey guys!

So first of all, I have to apologise for not completing Blogmas. I was travelling (I'll be showing some photos in the next post), but in all honesty I just got lazy and prioritised family time instead of blogging.

As I'm sure you're aware, 2015 has just finished, which means it's new years resolutions time. I never used to be one to take advantage of these, but last year I surprisingly completed two of them! I managed to go pescetarian for the entire year and I also kept a journal for the year (advice on that can be found here).  I'm really happy with that (and I'm planning on continuing both for 2016), so I'd like to try a few for this year too.
Not my photo.
1. The first one if one that literally every human being on the planet has: make healthier choices. Stereotypical I know, but I'd really like to eat healthier and workout, as I used to be really good at this but have been slacking for the past few months. Here are some 'requirements' I've set myself:

  • Work out at least three times each week.
  • Stop eating when I'm not hungry.
Not my photo.
2. The next one has to do with my productivity involving basically all my work: I need to start making to do lists for the following day every single evening. I've been doing this every now and then, and it really makes me a lot more productive.

3. I'd also like to have up one blogpost every week. Sometimes there'll be several each week, and I'm not setting a specific day they should be uploaded on, I just really enjoy blogging and hate going on breaks from it.

4. This autumn I'll be starting a new school, hence this resolution: to be less awkward. Incredibly vague, I know, but I'd really like to stop being so shy around new people. 

Not my photo
5. Here's one that'll have to wait until the summer: learning to play the guitar. I've always wanted to be able to play an instrument, but this year my cousin and I have decided to take up guitar lessons together, and I'll have to start learning the chords this summer. My end goal of this year is to be able to play Remembering Sunday by All Time Low (I talk about their concert in this post, and about my general taste in music here), which is amazing and my all time favourite song (see what I did there?)

Those are all my new years resolutions! I'm doing good so far at least, one day in. I hope you've had an amazing 2015, and comment what your favourite things this past year was! I'd also love to hear about your new years resolutions are!

Find me on bloglovin and twitter!

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  1. To do lists are something I'm determined to start doing properly this year too.

    Jemima x

    1. They really help, don't they? Happy new year!

  2. Happy New Year! I really need to get more productive this year too
    Elise |

    1. Happy new year! Me too, I've been so good today though, so it's a start at least!

  3. I love your goals, and I can definitely relate to some of them. I tend to eat when I'm not hungry, and it just ends with me being mad at myself, so I want to stop that. And that's awesome that you kept a journal for the whole year! Also, I LOVE making lists! Doing that just helps me figure out exactly what I have to do and by when. I feel more organized once I have everything written down. Good luck with playing the guitar, it's a beautiful instrument! xx Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks! Making lists definitely help me out, but I've been forgetting to do them :/

  4. To do lists are great ideas and I always feel so clear headed when I know exactly what I need to do each day. And I'm looking forward to all your new blog posts throughout the year. Have an amazing 2016 xxx

    1. Exactly! It mkaes me stress less because I have everything laid out well in steps. Thank you so much, I hope you do too. Love your blog!

  5. I love that your workout goal is realistic and doesn't have to do with lose X amount of weight. It is very health positive :) Wishing you love and light in 2016.


    1. Thanks! I'd much rather just focus on getting stronger (and improving my endurance) than losing weight! Thank you, and is it too late to say happy new year?
